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LFMC Partners Top Tips

If you missed the amazing LFMC Power Hour early in July 2021, then here are some of the top tips shared by the Law Firm Marketing Club Partners on the day.

At the bottom of the page there is a link to download a PDF with all 30 of the Top Tips plus a video with the headlines.

Alex Barr at Third Bounce - The power of storytelling. Clients rarely understand enough about that you do or what value you can give when they choose a lawyer. Tell them the story...

Lara Squires at Consortium - Have a strategy - fail to plan, plan to fail

- Email marketing. If you don't do it because no-one reads it, yes, they do! You're just writing about the wrong stuff!

- Walk your client's journey, does each touchpoint echo your brand's ambition, mission and values?

- Make sure your website is working, even when you’re not.

- The next time you give feedback think of the individual and what they should know to help them grow, not how you'd like them to adapt.

- Know your "Why" Have purpose and ensure it's aligned to the "big picture" of firm strategy and goals

People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do.

If you would like to read the full list of Top Tips shared, they are available here.

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