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Involve me and I learn

"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn." - Benjamin Franklin (based on an ancient Chinese proverb)

I have to credit Jeremy Nicholas for this weeks topic. In his weekly newsletter (do sign up if you haven’t already) he shared this quote. It resonated with me for a number of reasons, particularly as I had just come off a call with a law firm where we were discussing the best way for them to undertake their legal directory submissions this year.

Legal directory submissions is something I help a handful of law firms with in several ways – I conduct audits (think, school report review of past submissions and specific pointers on things they can ‘do better’!), I run workshops (think tailored guidance, insights, learning) and I help them ‘do’ the submissions.

In my experience, and having done this with several law firms for 15 years, the ‘involve me and I learn’ route is without doubt the right direction to take for things that you will need to do again, for skills that will serve you in good stead and for things that are just too important to leave to chance. Help your people to grow and learn … it will pay you back time and time again.

Thus this quote resonated with me … and I hope for you.

It also leads in nicely to me sharing the Law Firm Marketing Club Autumn webinar programme with you all. A great opportunity to learn …

This Autumn we have a strong focus on client experience and listening, plus an update from the wonderful Richard van der Blom on how the LinkedIn algorithm works (and how to use LinkedIn effectively), plus a session on legal directory submissions from me and much much more … please do take a moment to check out the programme and book your FREE places here.

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