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Sophia Stancer
Jun 6, 20243 min read
The Perfect PR Campaign: What Clare Rodway Taught the LFMC
On the 29th of May, members of the Law Firm Marketing Club were invited to participate in a comprehensive Marketing Development Program...
Sophia Stancer
Apr 29, 20243 min read
What are the marketing challenges and opportunities for law firms in 2024?
Based on the findings of the Professional Services Marketing Survey 2024, the Law Firm Marketing Club was able to ascertain what UK...
Sophia Stancer
Apr 8, 20241 min read
The LFMC Marketing Development Programme is LIVE
We've launched a new training programme for law firm marketing teams as an additional facet to our existing membership offer, which...
Sophia Stancer
Apr 5, 20241 min read
What's on this April at LFMC?
April is shaping up to be a big month at the Law Firm Marketing Club - and there's never been a better time to join us. 🍀 We've recently...
Sophia Stancer
Mar 12, 20243 min read
How should your law firm be tackling BD Planning and Management? Here's the LFMC's top-tips breakdown with Alex Barr
Examining your law firm’s business development (BD) holistically involves considering three facets: the past, which encompasses turnover;...
Sophia Stancer
Feb 26, 20241 min read
How much are law firms spending on their marketing?
How much are law firms spending on their marketing? What are their main challenges? Clare and I will be answering those...
Sophia Stancer
Feb 9, 20241 min read
The Professional Services marketing Survey is LIVE.
Sophia here. I've got a little (big) favour to ask of you. I'm asking for 15 minutes of your time to fill out the Professional services...
Sophia Stancer
Jan 30, 20242 min read
10 learnings from Richard van der Blom's LinkedIn webinar
LinkedIn stands tall as the frontrunner of social media platforms for forging connections, nurturing relationships, and showcasing...
Sophia Stancer
Jan 26, 20242 min read
What's on this Spring at the LFMC?
Hi All, Thanks to all who attended our webinar last week with Richard van der Blom. It was a hugely informative session – I’m expecting...
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