Topic: The Generation Gap with Henry Rose Lee
Time: Sep 20, 2023 02:00 PM London
Known as the Generation Game Changer, Henry Rose Lee is a generational expert specialising in the diversity and inclusion of all generations in the workplace today. She researches, consults and speaks about every generation.
From Generation Z as they enter the workforce, to Millennials who are establishing their career, through to Generation X who are in mid-career, and on to Baby Boomers and older, as their working lives mature. She is intensely pragmatic and also entertaining, providing practical tools and techniques for maximising all generations, whether working conventionally or in a hybrid or fully remote world.
With a background in sales & business development, followed by HR diagnostics, training and coaching, she sees organisations as a family of different ages, life-stages and experiences, blending innovation, novelty and variety with structure, stability and strategy; in effect – a dream team.
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