Coming up this week we have the wonderful Clare Yates delivering a session on ‘Dealing with Difficult Customers’ this Wednesday (1st February) at 2pm.
You are guaranteed to take away some practical things to put into practice.
She’ll be covering, amongst other things:
- Understanding why people become difficult
- Effectively managing expectations
- Using the power of positive language
- Achieving a win-win outcome
Knowing Clare and her presenting style, it will be packed full of great anecdotes, real life stories and practical tips – oh, and lots of humour; it WILL be entertaining!
Join us if you can, you can book your place here:
Secondly, last week we ran a revenue generating ideas webinar … in just over an hour, 7 ‘experts’ shared a range of ideas to help professional services firms. Ideas included:
How live chat can increase conversion on your website – example for a firm … increased from 1.75% to 3.6% AND saw more high value leads.
Tap into your Wills database … 12% conversion for one firm … so 20 letters per week with 12% conversion = 120 new Will instructions over 12 months.
Automate the first step of any cross-sell that you can so it doesn’t rely on the lawyer to do it.
Follow up everything you haven’t, contact every person who enquired in December and send them a bespoke follow up and see what happens, then you have proof of concept.
Ask all customers for recommendations, increase fees by explaining and demonstrating value.
Use outbound calling to refresh contacts and generate new business.
Adopt a relationships vs. a transactional mindset.
Bundling services – how to cross-sell and add value.
The worlds shortest negotiation tip.
There was more … check out the recording here: