Now before I offend too many of you, to clarify I am not saying you are bland … I’m saying many law firms don’t do themselves justice in how they ‘show up’ – the words they use, their values, website, adverts, articles, posts online etc.
Just take a look at the words you see on most law firm’s website – they are the same words, values and phrases that you see on other law firm’s websites.
They do-n’t have to be – we can offer the same services but present ourselves uniquely.
Supermarkets do it, Airlines do it. Even market stall holders do it.
How we show up is a combination of many factors – in marketing ‘speak’ – we call it positioning.
Positioning is the management of the perception that clients, referrers and prospects have of your products and services.
Or as Jeff Bezos said … it’s what people say about you when you’re not in the room.
Clients, referrers and prospects have a perception of us, but is it the perception we want? Managing the perception to create a position is a strategic exercise that has an impact on the entire business. It provides a focal point and everything in the business references back to it.
On Thursday 10th November I am delighted that Simon Hayhurst will be sharing some detailed research he has conducted when he reviewed 400 leading law firms websites in the UK and the US earlier this year.
He’ll share his findings and be drawing some practical and sensible conclusions.
He’ll show you many things, including some examples of great positioning – firms that have created a strong, different, authentic, true, provable and relevant position and that appeals to and therefore attracts clients.
He’ll also tell you how to write a focused single-minded proposition to give you the clarity, to give you the edge.