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2023: A failing economy that could lead to cannibalism?

What does 2023 have in store for us? A failing economy that could lead to cannibalism?

This is just one of the predictions from Nostradamus, the French astrologer, apothecary, physician, and reputed seer. Of course, it’s a prediction made more that 450 years ago and does not come with a date stamp. Let’s hope in the civilised world we live in in 2023 this is not one of the outcomes for the year!

But what does 2023 have in store for us?

  • It looks like AI is set to dominate with increasing use (and talk of development) of AI technologies. Take a look at ChatGPT if you haven’t already (and watch this space for a planned ‘live’ LFMC session on this technology).

  • Will we see peace in Ukraine?

  • Will Rishi still be PM at the year-end?

  • When will interest rates stop rising/start to fall?

  • What will happen with energy prices, inflation, cost of living etc.?

  • How will the professional services sector be impacted by the wider economic and social challenges facing the UK?

So many questions, and we don’t have all the answers. And yet all this ‘stuff’ affects us personally and professionally.

We all have a view, but we’re not all qualified to comment and/or we are reliant on other experts to inform and guide us.

And that’s exactly what we’ve got lined up for you to kick off 2023 and to provide you with the data, insights and expert opinions and views to help inform you. Experts on the key topics that are and will be affecting us in our roles and in our sector in 2023.

We have 3 very relevant webinars lined up to kick start 2023 and help you with your marketing and clients. Full details with links to book your FREE places are below.

  • The Economy: Where are we now & what’s coming? An outlook for professional services firms - Wednesday 25th January @ 2pm James Sproule, Chief Economist at Handelsbanken will offer insights into why the economy is where it is, what the biggest factors are that are influencing the outlook and hear his predictions on inflation, interest rates, house prices plus much more. Book here:

  • Revenue Generating Ideas for 2023 – Friday 27th January @ 9.30am To help you hit the ground running in 2023 we’ve got the perfect session lined up for you – Revenue Generating Ideas for 2023 hosted by the LFMC Partners. This includes the opportunity to network with other attendees. AND, what’s more, with a massive thank you to Conscious Solutions and Moneypenny, the first 40 people who register to attend by Monday 16th January will receive an indulgent breakfast, to be sent to you, to help you make the most of the session. Book here:

  • Dealing with Difficult Customers – Wednesday 1st February @ 2pm Clare Yates from CY Training Works will be looking into why people become difficult, effectively managing expectations, using the power of positive language, and achieving a win-win outcome Book here:

We do hope you will be able to join us at some or all of these events – and do share the details with your colleagues – you are all welcome.

We obviously have much more planned for 2023, but this will do for starters!

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